Friday, June 7, 2013

A Quick How To

Alright so my belt sibling needed a nice quick how to get started with her leather project, so I just put this together quickly. Keep in mind this only goes up to the cutting stage. I will do tooling later when my children aren't sleeping. :)
Step 1: Gather your tools, on this pile is (Starting from the left) My edger, my swivel knife, sponge, White paper, tracing tool (you can't find them like this anymore I have been told but the other one works just fine) sharpie and wax paper. I use wax paper instead of tracing paper (you can use either)
Step 2: Make your pattern
Step 3: Take a section of Wax paper and trace your pattern on to the wax paper

Step 4: Use your sponge to wet your leather, you don't want it so soaked that your leather is dripping but damp.

Step 5: Lay your pattern over the top of your damp leather and trace it with your tracing tool. You might poke through the wax paper, but that is ok. If you have a pattern you are repeating you should draw the shape more than once on the wax paper. I can normally get 3 tracings from each piece of the pattern.

Step 6: You need the use your swivel knife at this point. Make sure your leather is still damp. I like to use the blade that is uncovered. Always draw your blade towards yourself. Go slow and watch the corners on a piece. Try to keep an even pressure so your cute is smooth and even.

I added this because you mentioned you were doing a piece with edges. You need this tool and you wet the edges down and rub it along the edges. It will help smooth them out.

Tada a very quick get started and I can do a little bit with tooling too if anyone is interested just let me know! :)